

Price comparison in

asset management

Economico enables private and institutional Swiss investors to compare competitive solutions from leading asset managers and banks for the implementation of an asset mandate.


Investing like pension funds

Pension funds pay attention to a cost-efficient management of their investments and obtain price comparisons on the market. Economico now opens the door to the best-practice approach established among pension funds: transparent cost comparison for the asset management solutions you require. The cost comparison includes not only asset management and custody fees, but also the costs of the investment products used for portfolio implementation.

Our investment styles:


In passive investing, the securities belonging to a market segment are considered purely according to their size/market capitalization. Passive investment is always based on an index. Passive investing is characterized by low cost and high tax efficiency.


With the ESG investment style, ESG criteria such as environmental compatibility are taken into account in addition to size/market capitalization. With the ESG investment style, preference is given to shares or bonds issued by companies that operate sustainably.


The following companies show their commitment to transparency and competition in asset management with their offer on Economico!

Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
from 1M
from 1M
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds


from 50,000
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds


from 50,000
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds


from 50,000
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds


from 5M
from 5M
from 5M
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds

Graubündner Kantonalbank

Graubündner Kantonalbank
from 3M
from 3M
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds


from 50,000
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds


from 50,000
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds

Sparkasse Schwyz

Sparkasse Schwyz
from 5M
from 5M
from 5M
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds

Thurgauer Kantonalbank

Thurgauer Kantonalbank
from 100,000
from 500,000
from 500,000
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds

Zürcher Kantonalbank

Zürcher Kantonalbank
from 5M
from 5M
from 5M
Private individuals
Institutional investors (except pension funds)
Pension funds

Implementation options: ESG Passive

Our target group:

The information on this website is intended exclusively for natural persons or legal entities domiciled or resident in Switzerland.
Register to view and compare detailed analyses of asset management mandates. Creating an account is free of charge.